Ric Veda Loves You
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Ric Veda started playing around LA in 2002 with the Temple Bhajan Band, where he learned how to sing sanskrit bhajans and play various indian instruments. He very soon after started playing solo shows comprising of harmonium, vocals, ektar and sometimes guitar, playing songs by great songwriters such as woody guthrie and pete seeger, arranging his own versions of traditional folk/gospel songs, and also playing his own original compositions.

Ric Veda's current songs are reflection of all come to pass; from the spiritual indian devotional bhajans and the authenticity of traditional folk songs, to the honest punk attitude and acoustic breakbeats. Ric Veda combines these genres and more to create a new kind of music that could only exist now in this age: with the knowledge of all music (past, present and future) and all spiritual teachings (past, present and future) now available to all of us.

thank you for listening,
ric veda loves you.